
NBD - Week 7 Review

Due to mounting personal obligations (1st quarter grades due, book club, fantasy basketball drafting, Rock Band 2) and a general need to re-charge my creativity batteries, FtDoCEL is gonna be on semi-hiatus for the next week or two, with barebones Reviews and Previews. Plenty of big plans for November, though, as I'll have some days off for Election Day, Veterans' Day and Thanksgiving, and plan on re-visiting my post-draft commentary and updating the Power Rankings. Before I dip into speed-post mode, just wanted to thank folks for reading and posting comments. I'm having a good time doing this thing.
Here's Week 7 in a nutshell:

Stadler & Waldorf 115.34, Burke City Giants 71.28
Look at S&W resembling a real fantasy football squad! If you round up Tony Gonzalez's 9.7, only one of my players missed double-digits. Great job, guys! Resume suckitude now.

CH Croakies 103.94, Lassard Blows Harris 98.64
At some point I'll have to admit that Adrian Peterson (25) is good, and that his legs aren't going to explode and leave Elliott (and Will in BIFL) in the lurch. But this is not that week.

Chestpubes & Ballfro 79.76, Wyld Stallyns 94.34
I just saw the new McCain "I'm Joe the Plumber" ad on TV. Wasn't that whole thing, like, immediately discredited? Now they're basing an entire ad campaign on it? Seems like an odd decision. I bring this up only because Joe (Colly, not the plumber) is apparently spending all his time and energy working on an actual substantial campaign for Obama, and it is hurting his team. This week saw him start Brad Johnson, Domenik Hixon, and Jamaal Charles. Cletus, the presidential race is practically won, but there's still plenty of fantasy football left! Priorities!

The Leadfarmers 102.84, Hamster Now Guinea Pig 136.92
23 for Dominic Rhodes? 20 for Sammy Morris? 22 for the Bears Defense? (Matt) Haller simply can do no wrong this year, fantasy-wise. I rest assured that he is doing plenty of wrong in almost every other facet of his life, however.

Matt Ryan Loves Dogs 72.20, Mephistopheles 33.24
And the medic gets out and says "Oh... my... god." (New guy's in the corner puking his guts out.)
This was a fantasy disaster. The irony is that Ray just pointed out the "Records" tab on the league homepage this weekend, and now he takes up residence on it.

Woody's Warriors 79.72, Tri Steeg Area 86.26
My guess is that most of you are aware of other game scores via StatTracker or these write-ups, but it's worth checking in on the "Match-Up" pages each week just to see if there's any commentary, such as the simply eloquent "chinese bastard" posted by Kex this week.

If anyone feels they deserved a longer write-up, feel free to post your own in the comments section. Later.

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