
NBD - Week 9 Review

Tuesday was Decision Day for America, and I think most of us - with the possible exceptions of Ms. PAC-Man Haller, log-cabin militiaman DeYoung, and maybe Derek and Papkin, whose politics are unknown to me - made what turned out to be the popular (not to mention correct) decision. But while most of America is content to cast their votes every few years, we here in NBD are forced to make much more difficult decisions every week. We scour the wire services, expert advice, and last-minute panicky voices in our heads to decide who to start and sit. Truthfully, most of us probably put more effort and thought into those decisions than we do into who we vote for. And yet, so often we are wrong. With that in mind, I've spent some time going back through the season and analyzing each owner's decisions over the course of this year.

There was a time when Yahoo(!) would tell you your Optimal Line-Up Score at the touch of a button, but they seem to have abandoned that, so I was left to my own devices to go back through each week of games and determine just how much you idiots could have scored if you had only played the right guys. After scouring the scoreboards for hours, I may have made a few mistakes here and there, but I believe I've more or less come to a solid calculation of just how many points each team could have scored every week if they'd played their top scorers. The one potential problem here is that with people picking up breakout players after the Thursday games, we sometimes end up with players on our end-of-week rosters who we did not actually have the option to play. Otherwise, though, I think the numbers are secure: